Learning & development

Looking beyond skill development

Our success and market leadership can be attributed largely to the skills and capacity of our talented workforce. The leadership consistently provides effective skill development opportunities for employees through various learning and development programmes.

In times of the global pandemic, we stretched our learning and development approach by fully migrating to virtual learning with a focus on promoting the holistic well-being of our people. We have advanced our focus on capability development so that we can deliver on our business strategy while developing a robust talent pipeline. By building a virtual learning ecosystem, we have democratised learning opportunities that act as an enabler of talent and potential. In line with our Group’s philosophy to foster and nurture a culture of meritocracy and excellence, we undertake regular performance and career development reviews. We have a quarterly coaching performance review mechanism for our workforce, wherein feedback and identification of areas of improvement for further development are an integral part of the process.

Learning culture

Our learning culture includes continuous, purposeful learning that develops employees to their full potential through top-notch learning programmes and exceptional development experiences. With technology and communications constantly evolving, we ensure our workforce remains in step with the latest best practices through a range of learning and development programmes. Our innovative learning methods help our employees pivot their skills for a digital economy that is rapidly transforming ways of life throughout the world.

Key initiatives

1. Tata Communications Learning Academy (TCLA)

TCLA is a one-stop-shop for learning at Tata Communications, that enables employees to skill, upskill and reskill using world-class learning channels at their fingertips. They have access to digital courses, articles, videos, podcasts, books, as well as industry accreditations and customised learning. To enhance the learning experience at TCLA, we have brought together an amalgamation of the right tools, technology, and ecosystem in order to facilitate a self-paced and continuous learning process.

On-demand individual learning

  • All employees – according to individual needs
  • Across five skill categories - leadership, technical, functional, integral/behavioural and business


Total learning person days
(35% higher than FY 2019-20)


Learning & Development - Employee Engagement Survey Score


Total targeted skill development (38% higher than FY 2020-21 target)


Average learning person days

Nomination-based current/future role-based skill development via

  • Skill academies: holistic development for critical roles – technical, functional, behavioural skill assessment, application and project work
  • Targeted skill-development or single-domain skill development, based on immediate business requirements


  • Since its launch, TCLA has been adopted by 95% of new users and 73% of repeat users

2. Global certifications policy

A policy that enables employees to take up relevant certifications on their own and get reimbursed once certified, benefitting both the employees and the organisation. Several of our employees have availed of this opportunity, in accordance with their role requirements or current/future business needs, in a bid to upskill themselves.


Certifications completed in FY 2020-21

3. Education assistance policy

A policy designed to assist employees to advance their careers by encouraging them to pursue relevant education programmes from reputed institutes that support future objectives of both the organisation and the individual.

4. TCare programme

To implement a virtual well-being programme to support employees’ wellness efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, the TCare programme was launched as an umbrella for a host of wellness initiatives. The programme was made available to all employees across the organisation.

  • SKY happiness programme
    Curated in partnership with the Art of Living Foundation, the focus of this programme is to enhance the overall well-being of employees – physical health, mental and emotional resilience, breathing techniques, etc. – to effectively tackle situations.
  • App-based guided exercises
    To encourage a guided daily exercise regime, we partnered with a leading fitness app, Sworkit, for a six-month membership to their virtual app-based exercise options. By availing this membership, employees could choose from various types of exercises to be done from the safety of the homes.
  • Guided meditation
    We included meditation timing in our work calendar for interested employees, wherein they could park a separate time dedicated for meditation along with links to recordings of guided meditation and mindfulness practices.
  • Learning on wellness
    Learning pathways were made available on TCLA on various topics and webinars on topics related to health, nutrition, exercise and sleep were conducted where employees could interact live with an expert and get their queries answered.

Since its launch in October 2020, over 4,300+ employees (non-unique) reached out to the various initiatives by TCare. Apart from this, overall 3,000+ employees attended the weekly webinars. As per one of our survey analysis, the overall sense of well‑being in employees post the SKY happiness programme was as high as 4.5/5. The overall TCare NPS consistently stood between 89-90 for six months.

Results of the Employee Satisfaction survey:

  • ~90% of the employees reported that Tata Communications is taking appropriate efforts to maintain a safe environment at workplace/field/ location/Home Office
  • ~78% of the Tata communication’s employees reported that the stress related to the COVID-19 situation is manageable for them.


Employees reached out to initiatives
by TCare

Role Skill Academies

Developing business-critical skills for deployment

Role Skill Academies were conceptualised as a one-stop-shop destination in TCLA where employees in key roles develop skills identified as business-critical for performing their present role/moving to the next level role. Six academies – Agile, Customer Success Management, Service Delivery, Services Wrap, Artificial Intelligence and Service Assurance – were set up in FY 2020‑21 in partnership with business teams based on their importance in the value chain/contribution to the Company strategy, and urgency of upskilling to deliver results in key roles.

Role Skill Academies ensure that employees can perform, innovate, and grow in the business areas important to the Company. The academies focus primarily on developing behavioral, functional and technical skills together with relevant foundational skills for holistic development required for individual roles.

Academies integrate four forms of learning – micro, macro, community and on the job learning – on three pillars:

  • Business context: Business leaders identify key roles and skill development needs
  • Development design: Blended learning design approach consisting of knowledge, skill implementation and assessment
  • Outcome focus: To achieve role‑readiness, target skill proficiencies for each role are identified and evaluated post-completion of learning

Since its launch in FY 2020-21, 1,600+ employees successfully started their journeys across the six academies that will continue for 18-24 months, depending on the role and skills involved. Four additional academies are set to be launched in FY 2021-22.