The future of Network Security

Assess your enterprise Security Service Edge (SSE) Readiness Index

Take our 10-minute SSE Maturity Assessment and find out where you stand today!

Start the Assessment

Why secure the Network Edge? here's why you can't wait

Siloed security tools aren't enabling organizations to make crucial decisions while combating the complex threat landscape. Moreover, the changing nature of work has made waiting to integrate a risky practice, highlighting the need for a Future Readiness Index assessment for Security Service Edge (SSE).

This assessment is a valuable tool for Security Leaders to gain strategic insights into their network security posture, identify opportunities for improvement, and build a roadmap for a successful SSE implementation. It empowers them to make informed decisions, optimize security investments, and ensure their organization is prepared for the future of network security.

Take this comprehensive evaluation of your organization's readiness to adopt and leverage SSE effectively. Click to start now!

What does our SSE Maturity Assessment covers

Our SSE Future Readiness Index Assessment comprises a well-defined set of questions aimed at gauging your organisation's current network security posture. We focus on three pivotal areas to provide you with a detailed and actionable insight into your organisation’s network security.

The cornerstones of your SSE Maturity


Your remote work policies come under the lens, evaluating their adequacy in today's hybrid work environment.


We assess how you're managing and securing your various enterprise applications.

Application Ecosystem

We evaluate how well your network and security protocols are integrated and how prepared you are for the challenges of cloud-based security.


Maturity levels unveiled

Your assessment score categorizes you into one of three maturity stages:

  • Explorer
  • Intermediate
  • Maestro

Immediate enhancements are needed to secure your dispersed resources.

You've made progress, but there are security architecture gaps that require your attention.

You're on the right path, however, the evolving threat landscape means you can't afford to be complacent.


How to use the Assessment?

By focusing on the three key areas—Application Ecosystem, Workforce Enablement, and Network & Security—you can take actionable steps based on your personalized report. This report will outline specific recommendations designed to help you elevate your security posture and programs.

Invest just 10 minutes to gain tailored insights into how to enhance your security posture with SSE.

Start the Assessment Now