SSE Maturity
Answer 15 questions to get tailored insights and expert recommendations
Question 1 of 15
  • 1. How extensive is your enterprise's global presence?

  • 2. What is the size of your enterprise workforce?

  • 3. Where are your enterprise applications currently hosted?

  • 4. Describe your enterprise’s approach to SaaS.

  • 5. How agile is your connection to newly onboarded cloud applications?

  • 6. How granular is your control overshadow IT, sanctioned SaaS, and Web applications?

SSE Maturity
Answer 15 questions to get tailored insights and expert recommendations
Question 5 of 15
  • 7. What remote working policies are in place for your enterprise?

  • 8. How do you enable secure access to private applications?

  • 9. How are network and security functions organized?

  • 10. What's your current enterprise security model?

SSE Maturity
Answer 15 questions to get tailored insights and expert recommendations
Question 10 of 15
  • 11. How do you manage network and security?

  • 12. What components are up for renewal in the next 12 months?

  • 13. Describe about your current Web control?

  • 14. How prepared is your enterprise against known and unknown threats?

  • 15. How is sensitive data protected from theft & leakages?

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