NetEvents in partnership with IDC

How Networking and Collaboration Support Business Resilience and Continuity During and After Times of Crisis

This virtual CIO round table of industry leaders features a lively discussion on how seven major technology companies pivoted their digital infrastructures in the face of COVID-19 to ensure their employees were safe and productive, while seamlessly supporting the needs of their customers.

Listen to learn:

  • How multiple CxOs executed their crisis management strategies
  • Successful ways to support the workforce during the pandemic
  • How to maintain excellence in customer service in this new world
  • Ways that digital transformation has been accelerated due to COVID-19
  • IDC insights on business continuity for the new normal workplace

Panel Speakers:

Analyst Chair: Brad Casemore, Research Vice President Datacenter Networks, IDC

  • Pathmal Gunawardana, Head of Americas, TATA Communications
  • Russ Currie, Vice President, Enterprise Strategy, NETSCOUT
  • Bill Miller, Chief Information Officer, NetApp
  • Christina Kite, Vice President, Global Business Strategy & Analytics, Oracle
  • Dan Krantz, Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Keysight Technologies, Inc.
  • Kevin Herrin, VP, Infrastructure Platform Engineering, Dell Technologies
  • Veresh Sita, Chief Digital Information Officer, F5 Networks

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