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Customer Testimonial | MullenLowe Improves Bandwidth and Lowers TCO with Tata Communications

Subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates: In this video, Pravin Savant- Group CTO of MullenLowe, part of the IPG group, which has 7 companies in India with more than 4000 employees, talks about how Tata Communications has improved its network experience. A few years ago, each location had its network service provider, which resulted in many disagreements. To solve this, the IPG group partnered with Tata Communications. Tata Communications consolidated the network needs of MullenLowe into a single network having 56 links and 3 data centres. Over the years, MullenLowe has seen improved bandwidth consumption year on year, with a decrease in the total cost of ownership. More importantly, the customer experience, service uptime, etc., experienced by MullenLow has been extremely positive. This customer testimonial on bandwidth consumption exemplifies the best-in-class network services offered by Tata Communications. To know more about our services, please visit: #customer_testimonial_on_bandwidth_consumption #how_to_improved_bandwidth_consumption