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Top blogs of the month: February

Here’s our round-up of recent highlights for the New World Blog to help you keep up to speed with the big issues in the tech community, whether you’re interested in digital infrastructure, network services or cyber security.

Enabling the next decade of progress

Traditional Wi-Fi and cellular networks are starting to show their age – while our appetite for always-on connectivity continues to grow. Tata Communications’ CTO Genius Wong examines the solutions that will enable people and businesses to make the most of emerging IoT technologies. In the first part of this two-part post, she takes a look at how global virtual private mobile networks could benefit the airline industry. In the second part, she discusses how reimagined mobile networks could power tomorrow’s connected cars.


The power of alliances in digital transformation

“Digital transformation is top of the agenda for any company hoping to tap into the potential offered by Business 4.0, but it’s not a process that can be undertaken lightly.”

In this post, Gopinathan Krishnaswami of Tata Consultancy Services explains the essential role partnerships have to play in the process, offering expertise and experience that can smooth complex transformation projects.


5 inventions that prove mistakes aren’t always a bad thing

Apart from how to accidentally stick your fingers together and elegantly descend a set of stairs, what can businesses learn from superglue and the Slinky? In this blog, Ankur Jindal, Tata Communications’ Vice President and Global Head of Corporate Venturing and Innovation, looks at five world-changing inventions that came about by accident and considers what they say about intrapreneurship and the wider benefits that a failure-friendly workplace culture can have.

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The post Top blogs of the month: February appeared first on Tata Communications New World.