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Cyber Security

Shield Your Organisation's Security Systems with Executive-Level Dashboards | Tata Communications

Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates: Tata Communications' executive-level threat dashboard is part of its comprehensive managed security services portfolio, which includes threat management, vulnerability management, incident response, and other security services. The dashboard enables senior executives to make more informed decisions about their organisation's security investments and to promote a more proactive and integrated approach to security management. Tata communication's unified threat management solution combines firewall, intrusion detection and prevention, antivirus, anti-spam, content filtering, and other security features into a single, easy-to-use platform. Our platform is designed to provide comprehensive protection against a wide range of cyber threats, including malware, spam, viruses, and other types of attacks. It is designed to be 100% customisable, helping meet the organisation's and its executives' specific needs, with information tailored to the organisation's unique risks and security concerns. In this video, we'll explore how our threat management solutions help you gain a clear overview of the security situation in your organisation. To know more about the executive-level dashboard system introduced by Tata communication, check out the link below: