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Mobility & IoT Solutions

Automotive | Unlocking the full potential of SOTA by Providing Secure and Successful Updates

Subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates: As connectivity technology evolves, so is its application in the automotive industry. IoT in automotive applications can greatly enhance customer experience. With automotive connectivity booming over the last few years, the use cases for Software-Over-the-Air (SOTA) are also rapidly multiplying. Tata Communications MOVE™ Intelligent Connected Vehicle platform helps manufacturers effectively fulfil their SOTA use cases. We allow manufacturers to harness the full potential of SOTA updates by identifying optimal update times, allowing network switching, ensuring eSIM status, etc. We also offer the world's leading cyber security capabilities along with SOTA updates. With Tata Communications, you can fully and efficiently use IoT for automotive applications and increase customer success rates and satisfaction. To know more about our services, please visit: #iot_in_automotive #iot_for_automotive #use_cases_for_software_over_the_air #full_potential_of_sota