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COVID-19 Speeds ICT and Network Transformation

Enterprises had the rug pulled out from under them when COVID-19 came along in early 2020. As offices were shut and workers were sent home, organizations immediately needed to prioritize investments

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Enterprises had the rug pulled out from under them when COVID-19 came along in early 2020. As offices were shut and workers were sent home, organizations immediately needed to prioritize investments, to add platforms and services necessary to keep workers connected and businesses operational.

But the initial impact of COVID-19 on enterprises also depended on factors such as the industry, country, digital practices, and partner flexibility. Enterprises have managed costs by cutting headcounts, reducing budgets, and revisiting contracts. Enterprises are now stepping up investments in critical strategic areas that support ways their operations and revenue streams need to change. As the pandemic takes its course, Omdia recommends enterprises keep in mind the following actors:

  • Volatility will stay
  • Government and industry remote working mandates
  • IT is accelerating some key projects, re-thinking others
  • Network has a central role
  • Security is a part of transformation

Tata Communications in collaboration with Omdia has also run a special focus on how the manufacturing industry is engaging in secure network transformation. Download the report to learn more.