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A Virtual Customer Experience Platform for Home | Tata Communications

Subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates: Croma customers now get the in-store buying experience from the comfort of their homes through the Tata Communications Virtual Customer Experience Platform. Through this customer experience platform, customers can channelise enquiries for products they are interested in. Intelligent call routing instantly connects the customer to the local product expert, from whom they can get a live overview of the product's features and solve other queries they might have. We facilitate a seamless and interactive high-quality video experience for our customers. Such personalised experience increases customer footfall, trust, and engagement with the product, increasing the likelihood of its sale. Customer acquaintance can be added to the video feed for a shared buying experience, and the customer can co-browse securely with the product expert. To know more about our services, please visit: #customer_experience_platform #omnichannel-_customer_experience_platform #digital_customer_experience_platfom #what_is_a_customer_experience_platform #cxp_customer_experience_platform #customer_experience_platform_definition #virtual_customer_experience_platform #what_is_customer_experience_platform