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Embrace the Future: Digital Transformation Summit and Awards 2019 Video Invite by Sumeet Walia

Subscribe to the channel for all the latest updates about digital transformation. Digital transformation has become a pressing need today due to evolving customer expectations and changing business dynamics that are reshaping the business landscape and how we live and work. Organisations need to adapt and leverage these technologies to drive operational efficiencies, gain competitive advantage, and unlock new growth opportunities. Get ready to embark on a journey of digital innovation with this exciting video invite to the Digital Transformation Summit and Awards 2019 by Sumeet Walia. Join industry leaders, technology experts, and business visionaries as they come together to explore the latest trends, strategies, and insights in the world of digital transformation. Sumeet Walia, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer and Chairman of CII. With his deep expertise and passion for technology-driven change, Sumeet sets the stage for an immersive and enlightening experience at the Digital Transformation Summit and Awards 2019. The Tata Communication Center for Digital Transformation is the pioneer of technology-driven transformation for better productivity and efficiency. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a dynamic and forward-thinking community and learn more about their endeavours at :… #tatacommunicationcenterfordigitaltransformation #digitaltransformationsummit #digital_transformation_summit_&_awards #digital_transformation_summit