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ICT, Lifelong Learning and Prosperity for Women | UNESCO World Conference on #ESDfor2030

Joined by two of our long-term CSR partners - The Better India and Trickle Up, Tata Communications hosted the ‘ICT, Lifelong Learning and Prosperity For Women’ workshop at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. The workshop explored ways to accelerate sustainable development at a local level by leveraging the potential of digital technology to equip women and young girls with the required inspiration, knowledge, skills and tools. Featuring keynote addresses by Prof. Dr. Matthias Barth (Professor of ESD, Leuphana University of Lüneburg) and Priya Naik (Founder & CEO, Samhita Social Ventures), the workshop also shared examples of good practices from two such projects – MPowered and S.H.E. -being implemented in low HDI regions in India through a multi-stakeholder partnership. The workshop also hosted the launch of ‘Hasrat’ - an inspirational film with a real-life protagonist, created with the intent of identifying relatable role models amongst underserved women in order to promote their digital, social and financial inclusion. To know more about project S.H.E., visit the project microsite at School of Hope & Empowerment - The Better India: