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Personalised Chatbot Solutions for Better Lead Generation | Tata Communications

Subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates: Do you need help gathering and organising leads for your website? or Do you find it challenging to assist current leads in continuing their relationship with you? At Tata Communications, personalised solutions are essential for better lead generation. We created a chatbot that follows visitors across a website, presenting relevant content based on their stage in the product journey. Our highly personalised chatbot has led to over 2,000 conversations a month and a conversion rate of 2%, compared to our usual 0.2%. Our lead-to-customer ratio has increased by almost 35%. Personalised chatbot solutions are the key to keeping everyone happy and moving forward. Partner with Tata Communications and let us help you grow your digital ecosystem at lightning-fast speeds. Contact us today to learn more about our personalised chatbot solutions. To learn more about our services, please visit: #tata #tatacommunications #personalizedchatbotsolutions #personalised_chatbot #personalised_chatbot_solutions