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Tata Communications Fraud Prevention Portal Demo

Subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates: Voice channels are the most prominent in today's conversational economy. This puts enterprises at risk for voice fraud. It is necessary to proactively monitor and redirect traffic effectively to protect the interests of your enterprise. Tata Communications Advanced Fraud Prevention Portal, part of our Fraud Prevention as a service offering, allows voice service customers to control their traffic to prevent fraud. Various controls can be configured in near real-time. Usage, ad-hoc, location, cost, etc., are blocks that can be configured to stop malicious traffic. This video shows the fraud prevention portal demo and how it can be configured to work according to your needs without manual intervention from Tata Communications personnel. To know more about our services, please visit: #fraud_prevention_portal_demo #advanced_fraud_prevention_portal #how_to_prevent_frauds #advanced_proactive_alert_escan