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Tata Communications India IoT Solutions- Employee Health and Safety Watch

Subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates: This video demonstrates the functions and usage guidelines of an innovative IoT worker and employee health and safety (EHS) device- The Tata Communications Employee Health and Safety Watch. The IoT EHS Watch has two buttons and a charging dock at the back. It is designed to be worn by workers on the work premises at all times. The watch tracks vital stats such as workers' heart rates and monitors their proximity to the nearest location if assistance is required. The watch alerts workers of nearby hazardous areas, and if the vitals show fluctuations beyond a set limit, the watch alerts supervisors of the worker's location. It also has an SOS feature. The left button should be pressed for 5 seconds to send an SOS distress signal. The watch registers the time of entry into the work premises and the time of exit naturally, checking working hours. To know more about our services, please visit: #employee_health_and_safety_watch #iot_ehs_safety_watch