The workplace is the new transformation frontier

Most organisations today are ready with comprehensive plans for disaster recovery or business continuity. But recent events mean we’re only just starting to rethink the workplace environment.

Ensuring that the advantages of our increasingly interconnected world come with enhanced customer experience and employee productivity, it’s now critical that organisations balance agility with a sustainable IT infrastructure that can stand the test of time.

Looking ahead, we see enterprises climbing the digital ladder faster than ever. While moving towards their ambitious growth plans, they must ensure it is for the long-term and will sustain growth – no matter what comes our way.

Put your cyberthreat readiness under the spotlight to stay safe

What our Digital Workplace Readiness Assessment covers

Tata Communications Digital Workplace Readiness Assessment is a structured framework of questions that enables you to assess your organisation’s ability to support the needs of the future workplace. Covering everything from your physical facilities to remote security and network infrastructure, the assessment will provide critical insight across five key areas.

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What our Threat Management readiness quotient covers


the extent to which your platforms support the productivity of a remote workforce


Compute and storage

whether your IT teams and infrastructure can cope with increasing data requirements and meet variable or unforeseen needs


Network and connectivity

your ability to deliver a superior experience for colleagues and customers



if your threat management and disaster recovery systems are fit for the cloud-first age


Employee safety and facilities

assessing the adequacy of your safety policies and procedures

Find out where your organisation is on the digital workplace readiness scale

Following the assessment, you will be given a score based on industry best practices. The scoring classifies organisations into four levels:

Organisations at ‘Explorer’ level need to develop a systematic plan to enhance digital workplace readiness.
Organisations at ‘Pacesetter’ level should continue to build on their work so far so that no situation catches them unaware or unprepared.
Organisations at ‘Transformer’ level are well on their way – but need to consider advanced solutions to stay abreast of evolving needs.
Organisations at ‘Leader’ level are well prepared for the digital workplace, and should continue to evolve their infrastructure to boost growth.
Find out where your organisation is on the threat management scale

How to use the results of the assessment

You can act on the findings from the assessment to take your organisation to next level of digital workplace preparedness – so that you can begin to take advantage of our hyper-connected, extra-agile world.

Your report will contain a number of specific recommendations designed to help your enterprise get proactive, get control and get ahead.

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How to use the results of the survey

Check your Workplace Readiness Posture

The assessment contains few questions and takes around 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the review, you will be able to assess where your organisation is, and how to identify focus areas for accelerating your transition to a digital workplace.

Start your assessment
*We’ve designed this assessment with Indian enterprises in mind – but much of it will be relevant to global enterprises too.
Simply skip any parts that aren’t applicable to receive your bespoke report.