IZO™ Private Cloud Ensures Tata Q Ready Meals are Whisked Along The Supply Chain Under Every Circumstance


Tata SmartFoodz offers multiple dishes under the Tata Q brand. The company’s IT environment had to be built from a greenfield base on a SAP S4/HANA ERP platform. Looking for a home for that software, Tata SmartFoodz selected managed Tata Communications IZO™ Private Cloud.


A proof of concept confirmed the wisdom of that choice. In six weeks the IZO™ Private Cloud platform was ready for SAP S4/HANA to serve 85 office-based and 250 mobile staff across India. Other apps, like a content management system, hosted in the same environment.


Among the benefits are inbuilt security, escaping CapEx, avoiding extra IT staff and reaching 99.9 percent availability SLA. Initially focusing on the top seven Indian cities, Tata SmartFoodz will soon expand to others. With on-demand auto-scalability, Tata SmartFoodz will take growth in its stride.

Read The Full Case Study Here

"The fact we chose an IZO™ Private Cloud platform for our ERP software meant we could focus on meeting our business goals and serving consumers, while leaving compute and storage considerations to the experts."

Mathew Joseph

Head of IT, Tata SmartFoodz

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