
The rapid growth of digital gadgets have increased our world’s interconnection, creating new potential for communication, trade, and creativity. However, technology has also created new and complicated risks that have the potential to disrupt our lives, jeopardise our privacy, and threaten the integrity of vital systems.

According to reports, in 2023, data breaches exposed 4.5 billion records. At the same time, another report states that 97% of organisations have seen an increase in cyber threats since 2022. This is why cyber hygiene has become an essential part of our digital ecosystem. Cyber hygiene is a set of practices individuals and organisations follow to keep their digital environments secure and safe.

Continue reading as we talk more about the importance of good cyber hygiene. Also, mention a few best practices that you can follow to ensure proper cyber hygiene in your organisation. 

What is cyber hygiene?

Cyber hygiene refers to the practices and routines you undertake to maintain the health and security of your computer systems, networks, and data. Just as personal hygiene habits like bathing, grooming, and cleaning help prevent physical illnesses, cyber hygiene practices help ward off digital threats and keep your online environment safe and secure.

Cyber hygiene involves implementing and consistently following best practices to protect your devices, networks, and sensitive information from cyber threats.

Importance of cyber hygiene

Cyber hygiene is crucial in today’s digital age, where cyber threats constantly evolve, and data breaches have become increasingly common and costly. In fact, according to the Cost of Data Breach Report from Ponemon Institute and IBM Security, the global average cost of a data breach increased by 12% in the past few years to $3.92 million. 

Most of these network breaches directly result from bad actors exploiting security gaps overlooked by organisations due to poor cyber hygiene practices. As a result, proper assessment of an organisation’s current cyber hygiene approach—inventorying the entire network, software, hardware, applications, and access protocols—is vital for developing a routine cyber hygiene procedure that ensures proper maintenance and security.

Moreover, maintaining good cyber hygiene improves an organisation’s security posture, minimising the risk of operational interruptions, data compromise, and data loss. An enterprise’s security posture refers to its cybersecurity program's overall strength and ability to handle existing and emerging cyber threats. Basic cyber hygiene practices go a long way toward achieving optimal cybersecurity and cyber resilience.

Historical context: Evolution of cyber hygiene

Cyber hygiene has evolved significantly over time, paralleling technological advancements and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats. In the early days of computing, cyber hygiene practices focused mainly on physical security measures and basic data backup procedures.

With the rise of the internet in the 1990s, practices like antivirus software, software updates, and firewalls became essential. The 2000s saw the emergence of cybersecurity frameworks and standards from organisations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and International Organization for Standardisation (ISO), emphasising the importance of security policies, risk assessments, and incident response plans.

In recent years, the proliferation of cloud computing, mobile devices, and advanced threats like APTs and ransomware have driven the evolution of cyber hygiene practices. Key developments include secure remote access, mobile device management, continuous monitoring, threat intelligence, security automation, and concepts like zero trust security and cybersecurity mesh.

Benefits of maintaining good cyber hygiene

Implementing sound cyber hygiene practices can significantly strengthen your organisation’s cybersecurity defences. You can lower the risk of cyber breaches in your organisation by regularly updating software, patching vulnerabilities, and following best practices for password management, access controls, and data protection.

Some more benefits of maintaining good cyber hygiene are:

  • Improved operational efficiency: Well-maintained systems and software tend to perform better, increasing productivity and operational efficiency. Cyber hygiene practices, such as removing unnecessary software, optimising system configurations, and ensuring proper backups, can help ensure smooth operations and minimise downtime.
  • Cost savings: Proactive cyber hygiene measures can prevent or mitigate the financial impact of cyber incidents. You can avoid expensive remediation costs, legal fees, and reputational damage by reducing the risk of ransomware threats, data breaches and other cyber attacks.
  • Competitive advantage: In today’s digital landscape, customers and partners increasingly value organisations prioritising cybersecurity and data protection. Maintaining strong cyber hygiene practices can differentiate your business from competitors and foster stakeholder trust.

Common cyber hygiene practices

Regularly updating your software, applications, and devices is important. These updates usually include security patches that address newly discovered vulnerabilities and flaws. Set up automatic updates wherever possible to ensure that your devices and software are always up-to-date. For example, you can enable automatic updates for your operating system, web browser, and other commonly used applications.

A few more cyber hygiene best practices that you can follow in your organisation are:

  • Use strong and unique passwords: Using unique, complex passwords for each account is essential for good cyber hygiene. Avoid using easily guessable passwords or personal information, such as your name or date of birth. Instead, consider combining letters, numbers, and special characters. To manage multiple passwords effectively, use a password manager that can create and store your passwords securely.
  • Implement multi-factor authentication: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of protection to your devices by requiring a second security in addition to your password. This second factor can be a fingerprint scan, a security code sent to your mobile device, or a physical security key. By enabling MFA, you can reduce the risk of unauthorised access to your accounts, even if your password is compromised.
  • Be cautious of phishing attempts: Phishing scams are a common tactic cybercriminals use to trick you into revealing sensitive information or installing malware. So, carefully review emails or messages requesting personal or sensitive information, and verify the sender's legitimacy before taking action.
  • Backup important data regularly: Regularly backing up important files and data is essential for protecting against cyber attacks. In the event of a data breach, or accidental deletion, having a backup can ensure you can recover your valuable data. For this, you can use an external hard drive or a cloud storage service.
  • Monitor account activity and credit reports: Regularly monitoring your account activity and credit reports can help you promptly detect and report any suspicious or fraudulent activity. Many financial institutions and credit bureaus offer services that let you monitor your accounts and credit reports for any unauthorised activity, which can help you take swift action in case of a breach or identity theft.

Integration of cyber hygiene into business operations

With 83% of enterprises experiencing more than one data breach in 2022, companies must take the growing threat of cyberattacks very seriously. Without effective cyber hygiene measures, your business risks losing sensitive information about its customers, workers, proprietary solutions, intellectual property, and financials.

So, let’s look at how organisations can effectively incorporate cyber hygiene into their business strategy:

  • Align cyber hygiene with business goals: Identify your organisation’s key goals and aspirations. Evaluate how cybersecurity and cyber hygiene practices can enable or hinder achieving those goals. For example, ensuring robust data protection and privacy measures through cyber hygiene practices is essential if your goal is to maintain customer trust and loyalty.
  • Conduct a risk assessment: Pinpoint areas of weakness in your organisation’s cybersecurity posture by conducting a comprehensive risk assessment. This assessment should identify vulnerabilities, potential threats, and the impact of a cyber attack on your business operations. Prioritise addressing the high-risk vulnerabilities first and develop a plan to mitigate or eliminate them.
  • Implement cybersecurity frameworks and best practices: Develop a strategy for implementing cybersecurity best practices and frameworks, such as those provided by the NIST or industry-specific guidelines. These frameworks guide establishing robust cyber hygiene practices, including patch management, access control, data backup, and incident response planning.
  • Continuously update processes and technologies: The cybersecurity landscape constantly evolves, and your organisation’s processes and technologies must adapt accordingly. Regularly review and update your cyber hygiene practices, policies, and technologies to align with the latest threats and best practices. Conduct internal audits and leverage third-party assessments to validate the effectiveness of your cybersecurity measures.

Emerging trends in cyber hygiene

The year 2030 may appear far in the future, but given the quick pace of technological innovation, it is critical to consider how cyber threats and cybersecurity will change by then. The possibility of cyberattacks grows as our environment gets more linked through the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. So, seven years from now, what is the future of cyber hygiene? We predict that by 2030, the globe will embrace:

  • Zero trust security model: The traditional perimeter-based security approach is becoming increasingly ineffective in today’s distributed and cloud-based environments. The zero trust security model states that no user/device should be trusted by default, regardless of location or network. This strategy requires ongoing verification and validation of users, devices, and applications before granting access to resources. Implementing zero trust principles, such as multi-factor authentication, micro-segmentation, and least privileged access, is crucial to cyber hygiene.
  • Automation and orchestration: As the number of cyber threats and the complexity of IT environments continue to grow, manual processes for cyber hygiene are becoming increasingly challenging and inefficient. Organisations use automation and orchestration tools to streamline and standardise cyber hygiene tasks, such as patch management, vulnerability scanning, and incident response. These tools can help organisations respond to threats more quickly, reduce human errors, and improve overall cybersecurity posture.
  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM): As organisations increasingly adopt cloud services, maintaining cyber hygiene in the cloud environment becomes crucial. CSPM solutions help organisations assess and manage the security posture of their cloud resources, ensuring compliance with best practices and industry standards. CSPM tools can automatically detect misconfigurations, identify and remediate vulnerabilities, and provide visibility into cloud resource usage and access.

Global initiatives and regulations on cyber hygiene
Future outlook: Importance of continuous improvement in cyber hygiene

As new threats and attack vectors emerge and technology advances, organisations must continuously adapt and refine their cyber hygiene practices to maintain an effective security posture. The future outlook highlights several vital aspects that underscore the significance of continuous improvement in cyber hygiene, including:

  • Regulatory and compliance requirements: Governments and industry bodies constantly update regulations and compliance standards to keep pace with the changing cybersecurity landscape. Organisations must maintain a proactive approach to cyber hygiene to ensure compliance with these evolving requirements, avoiding potential fines, legal issues, and reputational damage.
  • Digital transformation and emerging technologies: Adopting new technologies, such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI), introduces new attack surfaces and vulnerabilities. Continuous improvement in cyber hygiene practices is essential to secure these emerging technologies and mitigate associated risks.
  • Incident response and recovery: Effective incident response and recovery processes are critical components of cyber hygiene. As cyber threats become more sophisticated and widespread, organisations must continuously review and enhance their incident response plans, ensuring they can quickly detect, contain, and recover from security incidents.
  • Competitive advantage: In today’s digital age, effective cyber hygiene practices can provide a competitive advantage. By demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement in cybersecurity, organisations can build trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders, positioning themselves as industry leaders in cybersecurity preparedness.


Cyber hygiene is critical in today’s digital landscape, where cyber threats represent significant dangers. Individuals and organisations can reduce vulnerabilities, prevent common cyber threats, raise security awareness, mitigate the impact of assaults, and increase their overall cybersecurity defences by following excellent cyber hygiene practices.

Also, cyber hygiene is an ongoing process that requires a comprehensive strategy involving people, processes, and technology. By prioritising cyber hygiene and fostering a culture of security awareness, you can protect your organisation’s valuable assets, maintain customer trust, and position your business for long-term success in the digital age.

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