As your company expands internationally, you may have encountered the frustration of dropped calls, garbled audio, or lag during important video conferences. These issues aren't just annoyances – they can cost you deals, damage relationships, and hinder productivity.

This is why Quality of Service (QoS) integrated into your GSIP solutions are important. These advanced systems ensure your voice communications receive priority treatment across complex global networks.

In the following sections, we'll explore the different QoS techniques to enhance GSIP solutions and learn more about their benefits. Read along!

Different QoS techniques for GSIP voice traffic

When it comes to GSIP solutions, maintaining high-quality voice traffic is crucial for effective communication across international borders. To achieve this, various QoS techniques can be implemented to ensure that voice data receives priority treatment on your network. Let's explore some of the most effective QoS techniques for optimising GSIP voice traffic:

Prioritisation of delay-sensitive VoIP traffic

This technique involves configuring your routers and switches to give precedence to voice data packets. In a congested network, where devices may start dropping packets due to overwhelming traffic, prioritisation ensures that voice data gets through first. 

By classifying traffic based on type and destination, your network equipment can make intelligent decisions about which packets to process first. This is particularly beneficial for GSIP voice traffic, as it helps maintain call quality even during periods of high network usage.

Resource reservation

The Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) operates at the transport layer of your network, allowing you to reserve specific resources for voice data streams. By implementing RSVP, you can allocate a portion of your network bandwidth exclusively for voice traffic, ensuring it always has the resources it needs to perform optimally. This technique is especially useful in complex network environments where multiple types of traffic compete for resources.


Queuing is a sophisticated QoS technique that involves creating policies to give preferential treatment to certain data streams. In the context of GSIP voice traffic, queuing allows you to set up dedicated high-performance memory buffers in your routers and switches specifically for voice packets. 

These specialised queues process and transmit voice data faster than other types of traffic, significantly reducing the likelihood of dropped packets or delays. By implementing queuing policies prioritising voice traffic, you can ensure that your GSIP calls remain clear and uninterrupted, even when your network handles a high volume of data.

Traffic marking

Traffic marking is a fundamental QoS technique that helps identify and categorise different types of network traffic. For GSIP voice traffic, two common marking methods are Class of Service (CoS) and Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP). 

CoS operates at Layer 2 of the network stack, marking voice data in the frame header, while DSCP works at Layer 3, marking packets in the IP header. By clearly marking voice traffic, your network devices can quickly identify and prioritise these packets throughout their journey across your network infrastructure. This ensures that voice data consistently receives the high-priority treatment for optimal performance.

Benefits of GSIP solutions with QoS guarantees

QoS measures ensure that critical communications always receive the bandwidth and priority they need, even in a congested network environment. Let's explore the key benefits of implementing GSIP solutions with QoS guarantees:

Enhanced voice and video quality

With QoS-enabled GSIP, you'll experience crystal-clear voice calls and smooth video conferences. QoS mechanisms prioritise your real-time communication traffic, ensuring it gets the necessary network resources. 

This means no more choppy audio, frozen video frames, or embarrassing lag during important client calls or team meetings. Your Unified Communications platform will perform at its best, fostering better collaboration and professionalism in your global interactions.

Optimised network performance

QoS guarantees that you can make the most of your existing network infrastructure. By intelligently prioritising different types of traffic, you can ensure that bandwidth-intensive applications don't interfere with critical communications. This smart allocation of resources means you can often avoid costly bandwidth upgrades while still maintaining high-quality service across all your business applications.

Improved user experience

Your employees and clients will notice the difference when implementing GSIP with QoS. Calls connect faster, voice quality remains consistent, and video conferences run smoothly. This enhanced user experience leads to more productive meetings, better customer interactions, and reduced frustration with technology. It's a win-win situation that boosts both internal efficiency and external relationships.

Cost efficiency

GSIP solutions with QoS can lead to significant cost savings. By consolidating your voice and data networks, you reduce the complexity of your communications infrastructure. The improved efficiency means you can often maintain high-quality service without constantly increasing your bandwidth. 

Additionally, prioritising traffic allows you to maximise your existing resources, potentially delaying or eliminating the need for expensive network upgrades.

Enhanced network management

With QoS-enabled GSIP, you gain better control over your network. Advanced monitoring tools allow your IT team to identify and address issues quickly, often before they impact users. You can set specific policies for different types of traffic, ensuring mission-critical applications always get the necessary resources. This level of control and visibility helps you maintain a more stable and reliable communications environment across your global operations.

Moreover, by intelligently managing bandwidth allocation, Unified Communications’ Global SIP Connect with QoS guarantees that your critical communications always receive the necessary resources, even during peak usage.

Scalability and flexibility

As your business grows and evolves, your GSIP solution with QoS can easily adapt. You can quickly add new locations, adjust bandwidth allocations, and modify traffic priorities to meet changing needs. This flexibility ensures that your communications infrastructure can keep pace with your business, supporting expansion into new markets or integrating remote teams without compromising quality.

Considerations for implementing GSIP QoS solutions

With the shift towards remote work, cloud computing, and emerging technologies like 5G, the demands on network performance have become more complex and diverse. To ensure optimal GSIP performance across these varied environments, consider several key factors when implementing QoS solutions. Let's explore these considerations in detail:

Bandwidth allocation

Consider implementing bandwidth management techniques that prioritise GSIP traffic, ensuring it always has access to the necessary network resources. This might involve setting bandwidth thresholds or creating dedicated channels for voice traffic, preventing other data-heavy applications from impacting call quality.

Latency management

When implementing QoS for GSIP, focus on minimising latency through traffic prioritisation and application-aware routing techniques. These methods ensure that voice packets are given precedence over less time-sensitive data, reducing waiting time in network queues. Additionally, consider implementing real-time monitoring tools to promptly identify and address latency issues.

Jitter control

Jitter—the variation in the delay of received packets—can significantly impact the quality of GSIP calls. When jitter is high, voice packets arrive out of sequence, leading to distorted or choppy audio. To mitigate jitter in your GSIP QoS implementation, consider deploying jitter buffers. These tools temporarily store incoming voice packets and steadily release them in the correct sequence.

Packet loss prevention

While some packet loss is inevitable in any network, excessive loss can severely degrade GSIP call quality. When implementing QoS solutions, focus on minimising packet loss for voice traffic. This involves setting up packet prioritisation schemes that ensure critical voice packets are less likely to be dropped during network congestion.


In conclusion, for organisations seeking peak performance from their critical applications, high-capacity GSIP solutions with scalable SIP trunking become even more powerful when coupled with QoS. This empowers organisations to take control of their network, prioritising applications and users for an optimal overall experience. With QoS in place, you can say goodbye to jittery calls and frustrating lag, guaranteeing a consistently optimal user experience.

Also, Unified Communications' GSIP Solutions offers a comprehensive approach to global enterprise communications. These solutions leverage advanced QoS mechanisms to prioritise voice and video traffic across your international network, ensuring crystal-clear calls and seamless video conferences regardless of network congestion. Contact us now for GSIP Solutions.

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