
In recent years, we’ve seen a huge shift in how organisations operate. Hybrid work environments are now the norm, companies are expanding into micro-branches to support distributed teams, and reliance on cloud technologies has skyrocketed. On top of that, the number of connected devices across networks has exploded. While these innovations have boosted efficiency and growth, they’ve also significantly expanded the attack surface—giving cybercriminals more opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities. As organisations modernise, securing this growing digital footprint has never been more crucial. Yet, with the many security tools enterprises have invested in over the years, it’s even more challenging to pinpoint any lurking gaps.

This is where Security Service Edge (SSE) comes into play. With the traditional security perimeter quickly fading, organisations need a modern approach—one that integrates security directly into the network. SSE is the answer to protecting your business in today’s complex, cloud-driven environment.

What is Security Service Edge (SSE)?

For those unfamiliar, SSE is a cybersecurity framework that combines core security capabilities such as Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), and Data Loss Prevention (DLP). All of these are delivered from the cloud, ensuring secure, direct access to applications, web, data, and resources, no matter where your users are located.

Early adopters of SSE have already seen impressive benefits: reduced complexity, better visibility, centralised control, and stronger protection against cyber threats. With its cloud-based delivery model, SSE is easy to scale and incredibly flexible, making it a perfect fit for growing enterprises.

Common concerns CISOs have about SSE adoption

If you're a CISO, you may be asking yourself:

  • Am I ready for SSE?
  • Do I have the necessary skills to manage this?
  • How does my current network security stack up against future needs?
  • What security gaps exist in my infrastructure, and how can SSE address them?

Enter the SSE readiness assessment tool

If these questions are on your mind, don’t worry—you’re not alone. In fact, they’re exactly why we developed the Tata Communications SSE readiness assessment tool. This tool acts as a starting point for organisations embarking on their SSE journey, offering insights into your current security posture and future readiness. It helps you identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement before you commit to SSE adoption, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

We created this tool to provide a clear picture of where your enterprise stands in terms of security, and it’s designed to help you build a roadmap toward a mature, SSE-enabled security architecture.

7 Ways the SSE assessment tool prepares your enterprise

  1. Assess your preparedness: Gain an understanding of your current readiness to tackle cybersecurity challenges.
  2. Proactive planning: Align your security strategy with future needs through a forward-looking approach.
  3. Risk mitigation: Identify and address vulnerabilities before they become major security risks.
  4. Adopt innovative technologies: Plan your journey toward ZTNA and the broader SASE architecture.
  5. Business continuity: Ensure that your operations remain seamless, enhancing your business continuity plans.
  6. Stay compliant: Receive guidance on meeting future security compliance requirements.
  7. Optimise resources: Make smarter decisions about where to allocate resources and invest in security technologies.

How the SSE assessment tool works?

The tool pinpoints key areas that need attention, such as cloud security, ZTNA, and endpoint protection. Once completed, it generates a detailed report with recommendations on where to focus your security investments. These insights help you understand your current security posture and provide a strategic plan for enhancing it.

The report is broken down into three main sections:

  • Areas of excellence
  • Areas for improvement
  • Recommended migration path

Additionally, the tool provides a SSE future readiness maturity index, assessing your organisation’s strengths and areas for improvement across three key pillars: Workforce enablement, Application ecosystem, and Network & security.

How to run the SSE assessment?

It’s easy! Simply click here, answer 15 multiple-choice questions, and download your personalised SSE readiness report.

Scoring methodology of SSE assessment

The scoring methodology is designed to evaluate your organisation’s security maturity across three areas:

  • Workforce enablement: Assesses how well your remote work policies align with today’s hybrid work environment.
  • Application ecosystem: Evaluates how effectively you’re managing and securing enterprise applications across various hosting environments.
  • Network & security: Reviews how well-integrated your network and security protocols are, as well as how prepared you are for cloud-based security challenges.

Based on your responses, your enterprise will be mapped into one of three SSE maturity index stages: Explorer, Intermediate, or Maestro.


The benefits of the SSE Readiness Tool are undeniable. If you’re planning to evolve your security posture, the insights from this tool will help you make data-driven decisions and optimise your security investments. By addressing the gaps identified in your assessment, you can mitigate risks, minimise vulnerabilities, and significantly strengthen your overall security. Ensure your organisation is ready to handle emerging cybersecurity threats by adopting SSE today. Take your SSE readiness survey now! 

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