Tata Communications awarded ‘Best Companies to Work For® in Hong Kong’, by Great Place to Work®

Trust Index© of 93% indicates employees’ trust in their co-workers, and pride in what they do


Hong Kong – June 08, 2018Tata Communications, a leading digital infrastructure provider has been awarded as one of the ‘Best Companies to Work For®’ in Hong Kong, 2018, as per the Great Place to Work® Trust Index© and Culture Audit© 2017 – 2018. The company scored 93% in the overall trust index, demonstrating strength as an equal opportunities employer with inclusive workplace policies, a positive work culture, robust new-joinee on-boarding processes and a strong learning and development strategy for its employees.


The survey was conducted by measuring the quality of three interconnected relationships – between employees and management, between employees and their jobs/organisation and between employees and their peers. The survey and report reflect these key relationships and further define how they play out in the five dimensions of a great workplace, which are: credibility, respect, fairness, pride and camaraderie. Employees scored Tata Communications over 90% across all the five dimensions, both from a workgroup and an organisation perspective. Diversity and flexibility are two elements that employees find unique about the company culture. The company’s efforts to aid employees to discover and develop their talents, challenge themselves professionally, manage their careers, and enhance their personal growth were also recognised.


“Companies like Tata Communications, are breaking the ground for the organisations of the future that are needed today. Getting to work with them has been a great learning and an inspiration to share with so many Hong Kong companies” said Jose Bezanilla, CEO of Great Place to Work® in Greater China.


As a digital infrastructure provider, Tata Communications is tuned in to the rapidly changing technology landscape and understands the importance of acquiring new skills and capabilities. The company strongly believes that customer success and employee success are the key to profitable growth. Leveraging futuristic thinking and new technologies like AI, Machine Learning and Big Data, Tata Communications has transformed its people strategy to ensure employees in Hong Kong and globally are future-ready and geared for success.


Of the 41 surveyed, only thirteen companies were awarded as the Best in Hong Kong for 2018 at the award ceremony held in Hong Kong on June 07, 2018. Miss PoYu Fong, Head of Marketing at GPTW, commented, “It is always great to see the pride and satisfaction from the people in these outstanding organisations, and witness that they harvest the time and effort invested in creating great teams and great administrations while aiming to get the personal best of their colleagues”.