About the Report

We take immense pleasure in presenting our next annual instalment of Sustainable Development Report, which elucidates our systematic approach towards integrating sustainability across policies, structures, management, and operations.

The report provides a comprehensive account of our journey towards sustainability and highlights our strategies and performance in this area. Furthermore, it incorporates relevant aspects that hold significance to our stakeholders and business, with a keen emphasis on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues.

Reporting Period

The Sustainable Development Report for the fiscal year 2022-2023 offers material information pertaining to our sustainability approach, operational environment, pertinent aspects, achievements, future prospects, and management practices. It encompasses the financial year spanning from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023, while certain sections also comprise statistics and data from preceding years and this year to provide a holistic outlook to our readers.

Reporting Boundary

The report presents information pertaining the sustainability performance of the Company and its subsidiaries. The scope of the report includes all material topics as indicated by our materiality chart, and encompasses our global operations in America, Canada, Europe, India, and the Asia Pacific, with the exception of performance disclosures related to water, waste (non-hazardous) and labour management relations which are only relevant to our operations in India. It is important to note that these aspects hold significant materiality for the Indian geography. We have taken great care to ensure that the information presented in this report is comprehensive, accurate and have endeavoured to provide a thorough understanding of our sustainability performance in the areas covered. Further restatement if any from the previous years are listed with within the specific sections only.


The materiality assessment of this Report has been guided as per Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. The report comprehensively presents progress made on our three strategic sustainability pillars, namely People, Planet, and Community. It reflects our unwavering commitment and performance in various areas such as human resource development, diversity and inclusion, learning and development, health, safety, and well-being, human rights and compliance, customer experience and loyalty, supply chain management, climate change, resource management, environmental conservation, and community engagement. Additionally, the report sheds light on crucial topics relating to governance, economic performance, data privacy, information security, research & development, and innovation.

Targeted Readers

We seek to reach out to our diverse group of stakeholders, including our employees, contractors, investors, customers, suppliers, communities, and the regulators. Our objective is to provide a formal and comprehensive account of our ESG performance and our ongoing commitment towards sustainability. The report is being approved by the Sustainable Development Committee chaired by our MD & CEO.

Reporting Guidelines

The report has been prepared with reference to the GRI Standards. This report adheres to the fundamental principles of stakeholder inclusiveness, materiality, sustainability context, and comprehensiveness with reference to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. We have taken care to explain any assumptions or exceptions made when reporting against the GRI indicator standards, as required.

We have also mapped the chapters of the report with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) demonstrating our progress and to ensure that our reporting is comprehensive and aligned with global sustainability frameworks. We also adhere to the principles outlined in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

External Assurance

The content and data disclosed in this report has been independently verified and externally assured by DNV, an independent third-party assurance provider. DNV conducted the independent assurance of Tata Communication’s Sustainable Development Report, which includes ‘limited assurance’ of company’s sustainability information for the applied reporting period. Sustainability assurance engagement was conducted against the Global Reporting Initiative Standards and VeriSustainTM which is based on the principles of various assurance standards including International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (ISAE 3000). In addition to this, DNV verified and assured the non-financial information in the Integrated Report and CDP 2023 disclosures (GHG emissions i.e. Scope 1,2 & 3, energy consumption, water and waste disposal etc.) for the specified period.

Stakeholder Feedback

We highly value our stakeholder’s suggestions, views, and opinions, as they serve as an essential tool in aiding us to enhance our reporting. Therefore, we kindly request that you share your feedback with us by sending an email to EOHS@tatacommunications.com

Disclaimer: This report contains forward looking statements that are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ significantly from those anticipated. Tata Communications makes no commitment that forward-looking statements will be updated to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date of the report.