Materiality Assessment

Addressing Key Concerns

As a responsible and sustainable business, we are committed to identifying, prioritising and resolving material issues that are relevant to our operations and have been highlighted by our stakeholders. We believe that addressing these concerns is vital to achieving long-term success and creating value for all our stakeholders.

Mat erial issues ar e identified using v arious sour c es, such as GRI Standar ds, D JSI, CDP , r egulations,peer benchmarking, and stak eholder engagement. T he prioritisation of mat erial issues is based on their pot ential impact on the busines s, ex t ernal en vir onment, and key stak eholders, with a focus on mitigating negativ e out c omes. T he significant impact on s tak eholders is identified, tr ack ed, and c ommunicat ed thr ough our annual and sus tainable de v elopment r eports. T he mat erial c onc erns that ha ve been identified ar e v alidat ed by t op management. Identify Prioritise Disclose Validate

We are currently aligned with the material issues identified by the materiality assessment conducted in FY 2023. It has enabled us to strategically formulate sustainability goals, targets and objectives in alliance with global frameworks.

Material issues in circle represent new ESG issues that have emerged in FY 2022 assessment.

In the matrix below, we have mapped the material issues with respect to its importance to our stakeholders and our Company. Please refer to our BRSR FY 2023 (Page 158 in Integrated Report) to check our material topics and its management in detail.


Data privacy and IP infringement


Customer experience, loyalty and privacy


Corporate governance, ethics and transparency


Human capital development


Climate change


Economic performance


Resource management and environmental conservation


Health, safety, and well-being


Community development


Supply chain management


R&D and innovation


Regulatory compliance


Human rights and labour compliances


Digital inclusion


Diversity and inclusion