Our Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability is an intrinsic component of our business strategy, and we are committed to creating long-term value for our stakeholders through an Inclusive, Sustainable and Hyperconnected ecosystem.

Our approach is based on a strong commitment to responsibly benefit society, our people, shareholders, communities, and other stakeholders. We aim to optimise economic value while meeting environmental and social standards.

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Sustainability Snapshot*

Growing Responsibly

Transitioned to Integrated Management System (ISO 45001 and ISO 14001)

FY 23: All strategic facilities in India.


(As of 31st Mar 2023) Fatal free man days

FY 2023: Zero Fatality

Multiple Best Employer Recognitions

FY 2023: Great Place to Work -multiple regions, Kicentric Best Employer, India’s Best Workplace etc.


Diversity Ratio with focus on hiring women and career progression

FY 2023: 22%


increase in Employee Certification Courses.

FY 2023: 8,746 Training Certifications


increase Employee Engagement Score

FY 2023: 87%


Y-o-Y Energy Saving

Through energy efficiency projects

FY 23: 6.56 MU


increase in

Recycling of nonhazardous waste

FY 23: 67% Recycling


increase in

Renewable Energy consumption

FY 2023: 30.6 MU


times increase in

Rain water harvesting potential

FY 2023: 8,088 KL


decrease in

Water Consumption

By Using 3R’s – Reduce, Recycle and Reuse initiatives

FY 2023: 6,013 KL


times increase in CSR Beneficiaries

FY 23: 3,027,383 beneficiaries


increase in volunteering events

FY 23: 200 events


increase in number of Employee Volunteers

FY 23: 13, 947


increase in CSR expenditure

FY 23: US$ 2.83 Million (INR 20.78 Cr)

Target to achieve


Community based Carbon Credits in FY 2030

FY 23: Registration initiated


Increase in per capita Volunteering hour

FY 23: 5.2 hours per capita volunteering hour

Message from MD & CEO

Responsibly Building a Hyperconnected Future

At Tata Communications, we believe in creating a world where everyone has equal access to technology and can thrive in a sustainable and interconnected manner. By embracing Inclusivity, Sustainability, and Hyperconnectivity, we envision a future that is conducive for individuals and communities. This includes access to clean energy, transforming existing production chains into circular processes, bringing innovations to future-proof our solutions and enhancing our operations towards sustainable development.

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Sustainability Blueprint

Sustainability is not just a business imperative, but a commitment to creating longterm value for our stakeholders through an inclusive, sustainable and hyperconnected ecosystem. Integrating sustainability into our core operations drives growth and contributes positively to both society and the environment.

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Our Governance

Good governance, ethical practices, and effective control and accountability underpin our business actions. The Company endeavours to manage its businesses responsibly and in compliance with the statutory requirements of the locations in which it operates, and the Management serves as the anchor and plays a pivotal role in implementing the compliance interventions.

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Our Planet

As a responsible organisation, we consider ‘Sustainability’ as an integral part of our business strategy and are committed to ethical and sustainable development while also protecting and preserving the environment and generating holistic value for our stakeholders. We employ stringent systems, processes and controls across our units for monitoring our environmental footprint. We achieve this through incorporation of the latest technologies, prudent resource allocation, energy-saving initiatives, and other measures.

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Our People

We at Tata Communication, value our employees,emphasising diversity, inclusivity, and well-being to drive longterm success. Customer satisfaction is prioritised through innovative products and personalised services, aiming to foster lasting relationships. Collaboration with suppliers is marked by an emphasis on transparency, sustainability, and ethical practices, enhancing our reputation. Finally, a commitment to community engagement seeks to create positive impact, unity, and support, reflecting a dedication to holistic growth and wellbeing.

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