Ethical Business Practices

Ethics and Transparency

Compliance with legal and ethical standards is of the utmost significance to Tata Communications. We have in place, a well-established ethics and compliance framework, and ethics is ingrained in the organisational culture. We have implemented a set of compliance policies to to promote strict adherence to applicable laws and regulations.


The Company’s solid and well-defined compliance framework, which is overseen by the Board of Directors and senior management, guarantees that our processes, systems, and activities comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We endeavour to comply with all applicable local and foreign laws, as well as to uphold global transparency and accountability standards. During the reporting period, no major fines or nonmonetary sanctions were levied on us for any infractions. We have not been charged with any anti-competitive or antitrust offences.


We value honesty and integrity throughout the workplace and our operations. Strong governance guarantees that ethics and integrity are well embedded in the system. They represent our culture, values, beliefs, and commitments. We constantly strive to adhere to the Tata Code of Conduct (TCOC), inspired by the 150-year legacy of the Tata Group.