Our Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability is an intrinsic component of our business strategy, and we are committed to creating long-term value for our stakeholders through an Inclusive, Sustainable and Hyperconnected ecosystem.

Our approach is based on a strong commitment to responsibly benefit society, our people, shareholders, communities, and other stakeholders. We aim to optimise economic value while meeting environmental and social standards.

Our sustainability strategy, based on the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework aims to create long term stakeholder value and sustainable growth for our business. It stems from our responsibility towards the three key pillars – People, Planet and Community. It is also aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Tata Group Sustainability Strategy and our company’s materiality assessment and its impact on the external environment.

Sustainable Development Goals Tata Groups Sustainability Strategy ESG Risks (Materiality) External Environment (Megatrends driving + Stakeholder feedback + Peer benchmarking in ICT) Corporate Governance Bedrock pillar of Corporate Strategy- KPIs part of Corporate Scorecard Short- & Long-term targets for ESG Risks ESG risks embedded in Enterprise Risk Management process Board & MD & CEO oversight Internal & External (Third party) Reviews Internal & External ESG Disclosures Priority Areas Zero Harm Human Rights • Diversity & Inclusion Sustainable Supply Chain Priority Areas Climate Change SBTI., ICP & Climate ResiliencecFramework Customer GHG Savings Water Reduction & Neutrality Zero Waste to Landfills Priority Areas Community Support Carbon Community Offsets Planet Community People DRIVERS BUSINESS

We are proactively integrating sustainability across our value chain, making it a fundamental pillar of our corporate strategy. This commitment is reflected in our Corporate Scorecard, where we include key sustainability indicators relevant to our business growth. We have set both long-term and short-term sustainability goals and are diligently working to achieve it. Our approach to Enterprise Risk Management and Strategic Planning Process also incorporates sustainability components. We have set up several leadership committees to oversee progress on our ESG goals. Additionally, we engage in and initiate internal as well as external assessments of our sustainability processes and systems.

Sustainabiliity Governance

CSR, Safety and Sustainability aspects are being reviewed at multiple levels within the Company with specific oversight and reviewed by the Board led CSR, Safety and Sustainability Committee. It reviews and monitors business risks and opportunities with reference to sustainability, and also oversees the progress of business sustainability and aspects related to occupational health and safety (OHS), climate change, resource conservation, employee engagement and development, sustainable supply chain management, and human rights (privacy and freedom of expression, etc.). Besides, the MD & CEO chairs the Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) which meets on a quarterly basis along with other committees like Sub-Committee of SDC and Management Review Committees. Each of these committees have fair representation from cross functional representatives, workers/employee participation etc.

The company’s leadership team (MD & CEO, GMC, CHRO) played a crucial and significant role in driving and embedding sustainability initiatives within the organisation. Demonstrating their dedication to sustainability, senior leaders lead by example in various ways.

The Board led CSR, Safety & Sustainability (CSRSS) Committee approved initiatives pertaining to sustainability, resource efficiency and increase in RE, showcasing their commitment to drive a collective effort towards a more sustainable future.

The following projects were undertaken by the CSRSS Committee:

Reviewed and approved the renewable energy procurement business case for 11.4 MU solar power requirement for Indian facilities (Pune and Chennai).

Reviewed and approved the long term goals pertaining to Net Zero, Customer Savings and Circularity

Reviewed and approved the CSR projects and budgets

Reviewed and approved the revised CSR strategy to integrate ‘environmental sustainability’ as a new and priority area.

Reviewed the Business Human Rights policy and its alignment with Tata Group Business & Human Rights guidelines and other international frameworks.

The MD & CEO, via the Sustainable Development Committee actively engages on the subject and have taken multilateral decisions involving GMC, to embed sustainability within the Company’s culture.

Approved the Company’s sustainability strategy corresponding to three key pillars of People, Planet and Community, around robust Corporate Governance.

Incorporated sustainability KPIs and goals like Net Zero, Energy Efficiency, Increase in Renewable Energy etc. into the organisation’s strategic vision and SPP, ensuring the integration of sustainability goals with the Company’s Corporate Scorecard.

Approval of Sustainable Development Report

Led and participated in various ESG/Sustainability initiatives like Tata Sustainability Month, DRIVE week, Safety Carnival, Ethics Week etc.

Formulation, review and alignment of Long & Short Sustainability Goals.

Communication of the importance of sustainability and ESG goals in discussions and townhall meetings

Approval of short-term Sustainability Goals.

Under our Sustainability Sub-Committee, the GMC and CHRO initiated sustainable practices including carbon footprint reduction, responsible decision-making, and renewable energy promotion. They review Sustainability KPIs, invest in sustainable initiatives, and foster a sustainability culture through employee education and recycling programmes.

Creating Long-term Stakeholder Value

In line with the Company’s sustainability strategy, the Board in January 2023 approved the long-term Sustainability Goals pertaining to Climate Change, Circular Economy and customer savings which are being formulated on the basis of Tata Group’s Sustainability Goals, UN Sustainable Development Goals, our company’s materiality assessment and peer’s review.

Long-term Sustainability Goals

Carbon Neutralby FY 2030, and Net Zero by 2035 Climate Change Base year FY 2022 Boundary Global operations Inclusion Scope 1, 2 & 3 20% Water Consumption Reduction by FY 2030 Base year FY 2020 Boundary This target is within Indian operations only Customer Emission GHG reduction potential of 20x by FY 2027 Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions Boundary Global operations Inclusion Low carbon products as identified Zero Waste to Landfill by FY 2027 Drivers Goals formulated in alignment with UN SDGs , Tata Group Sustainability Strategy, Materiality and ICT Companies review Circular Economies Circular Economies Target set in 2023 Boundary This target is within Indian operations only Customer Savings

Additionally, we have also identified short term targets from FY 24 to FY 26, which not only supports the identified long-term goals but encompass our goals and objectives related to other key ESG aspects.

Short Term ESG Targets (FY 24 - FY 26)


Aspect Targets
Climate Change
  • Increase RE consumption from 18% (FY 2023) to 49% by FY 2025.
  • 7% Y-o-Y Energy saving.
  • To achieve ‘A’ band in Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 2024
  • 17% Water reduction by FY 2026 (against FY 2020 baseline)
  • Augmentation of Rainwater Harvesting Capacity & 5% Rainwater consumption in FY 2025
  • 100% recycling of biodegradable and recyclable waste by FY 24.


Aspect Targets
Corporate Governance
  • Ensuring transparent, balanced and timely disclosures for investors and other stakeholders (Y-o-Y)
  • Agile, simplified, automated and well monitored governance processes and compliance mechanisms. (Y-o-Y)
  • Continued risk assessment and scenario planning of risks with appropriate mitigation strategies. (Y-o-Y)
Data Privacy & Information Management
  • Adoption of leading data security standards across global operation by FY 2026
  • Ensuring Enterprise level Data security for all applications by FY 2026
  • Zero Data breach across Tata Communications by FY 2026


Aspect Targets
  • Enhance Winning Mix to 27.5% by FY 2026
L&D, Capacity Building
  • Maintaining Learning-days/Employee: 8 (YoY)
Occupational Health and Safety
  • Zero fatalities
Supply Chain
  • ESG assessment of our Top 25 Suppliers (~40% spend) in FY 2024 and Top 50 (~55% spend) by FY 2027.
  • Doubling the TAAP Supplier base of SCM Managed Services from current 16 (FY 2023) to 24 (FY 2025) and to 32 (FY 2027).
  • Influence 200+ AA community members’ lives through programmes involving Tier-I and Tier-II suppliers.
  • Impact 4mn beneficiaries by FY 2024 and 5mn by FY 2026
  • 95,000 tonnes of carbon community offsets by FY 2030
  • 75,000 volunteering hours by FY 2024
  • Increase in per capita volunteering hour to 5.2 hour/volunteer by FY 2024