Stakeholder Engagement

Enabling a Culture of Transparent Dialogue

At Tata Communications, we have established a comprehensive stakeholder engagement procedure to regularly interact with diverse group of stakeholders including individuals, groups, or organisations that may be directly or indirectly affected by our operations. It empowers us to create sustainable solutions and aim for inclusive growth, taking into consideration the core concerns of our stakeholders.

Importance of our Stakeholders Needs and Expectations Mode of Engagement Value created for Stakeholders Material Issues


We recognise that soliciting and leveraging customer feedback, commonly known as the voice of the customer, is critical to driving process improvements, enhancing quality, improving service performance, and optimising costs. Data privacy and security, superior customer experience, strong aftersales service, ethical behaviour, differentiated platform, services and solutions

As per requirement: Customer Experience Centre, Trade fairs and seminars, Targeted customer interaction, CXO connect, Bid review process, Interactions through customer-facing teams, Gartner peer insights, Executive Connect

Continuous: Mass media, website, social media

Annual: Net Promoter Score survey, Customer connects

Awareness generation and enhancement in line with changing market context Customer experience, loyalty, Data privacy and IP infringement, Economic performance, Digital inclusion, R&D and innovation


Our people comprise our greatest assets and lends us the competitive advantage to secure success in a digitally enriched ecosystem. Growth opportunities, Training and development programmes, Open and diverse workplace, Safe working environment, Worklife balance, Employee friendly practices

As per requirement and continuous: Regular team meetings, Training, webcasts and workshops, Town hall meetings, Internal discussions and meets, Surveys, Awards and recognition programmes, Safety trainings

Quarterly: Coaching reviews

Skill development and enhancement in line with market requirements, designing and conducting unique employee engagement programmes on need basis, ensuring competitive remuneration and equal employment opportunities Health, safety and well-being, Human capital development, Diversity and inclusion, Human rights and labour compliances

Investors and Shareholders

Strengthening our financial backbone, they are pivotal to our growth and expansion strategies. Financial returns, ESG performance, Business performance updates, Future strategy and growth

As per requirement: Corporate website, Investor meets, Management conference calls, Media, Press Release and Stock Exchange intimation, Facility visits and in-person Meetings

Quarterly: Investor Presentations, Quarterly earnings conference calls

Annual: Annual General Meeting, Annual Report, Shareholder grievance redressal mechanism

Optimum utilisation of funds for growth and expansion plans, maintaining profitability with sustained and result oriented solutions, cost management and efficiency Corporate governance, ethics and transparency, Economic performance, Regulatory compliance, ESG


Regulators play a crucial role in ensuring regulatory compliance, interpreting laws, and facilitating uninterrupted operations. Compliance with rules and regulations, Sound governance, Ethical practices, Transparent reporting, Achievement of international and national agenda

As per requirement and continuous: Participation in seminars/ consultations organised by the regulatory authorities on different forums, Open house discussions, Statutory compliance filings and meetings

Contributing to overall industry growth, ensuring timely and transparent adherence to laws and regulations Corporate governance, ethics and transparency, Regulatory compliance, labour compliance, ESG

 Communities and NGOs

It is crucial to nurture a mutually beneficial relationship, ensure social responsibility and contribute to sustainable business development Socioeconomic development, Job creation, Volunteering, Uplifting the underserved through community initiatives As per requirement and continuous: Societal upliftment programmes, Monitoring projects through cloudbased tools, Global Employee Volunteering Programme, Healthcare and disaster relief work Creating positive impact on communities, employment creation, developing and steering long term relationships with local stakeholders Community development, Digital inclusion, Climate change, Human Rights and labour compliances, Diversity and inclusion

Media and Analysts

They help to comprehend the industry’s contribution to sustainability and climate change and acts as catalysts for progress Communicate corporate news and updates, Public disclosures and transparent reporting, Future strategy, growth and new launches As per requirement: Press releases and press conferences, Media interviews, Website and social media posts, Stock Exchange intimation Transparent and timely communication, building mutually beneficial relationships with external media Corporate governance, ethics and transparency


Efficiency of our operations rely on timely and accessible services from reliable suppliers, highlighting the importance of fostering strong supplier relationships. Fair trade practice, Timely payments, Long-term relationship, Competitive pricing

As per requirement: Operational review meets Workshops/ events

Continuous: Periodic reviews, Surveys

Build and maintain longterm mutually beneficial relationships, Ensure compliance to ESG standards through audits and training sessions Supply chain management, Resource management and environmental conservation, Regulatory compliance