Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)

The UN SDGs serves as key benchmarks to plan initiative, measure our impact, and prioritise our areas of focus as we align our strategies and approach with the UN SDGs closely. As a digital ecosystem enabler, we realise that it is imperative to contribute to the global goals for sustainable development.

Quality Education We strive to ensure access to quality education for all and our goal is to bridge the gaps within the education system through our CSR activities. Read more at page 65 At Tata Communications, we have an online platform for our employees, which provides access to different types of courses and training modules that provide upskilling and learning opportunities for all. Similarly, we engage with our value chain partners and community members, and provide them relevant information and training in select subjects. Good Health And Well-Being Our focus is to develop healthier workspaces and stronger relationships by ensuring safe working conditions for workers and access to health services, which has a beneficial influence on productivity. Read more at page 52-56, 68-69 Decent Work And Economic Growth Our focus is to create decent work opportunities that contribute to our business and society. We uphold labour laws across our operations and value chains and hence, have a lower risk of reputational damage and legal liability. Our CSR programmes emphasise activities that promote employability and sustainable livelihood options for the communities we work with. Read more at page 47-48, 67-68 We strategically engage with our employees, value chain partners to ensure satisfaction, motivation and retention of the best talent. Through our CSR initiatives, we address SDG 8 by creating awareness, sharing knowledge and key resources to various sections of communities, enabling them to generate income and livelihood options in a sustainable fashion. Sustainable Cities And Communities Through communication systems, we aim to play a vital role in providing specific infrastructure, technology, services and solutions to build a more sustainable and safer society. Read more at page 40 We offer low carbon products and services, which help the customers make the cities and communities sustainable. These solutions collectively help various aspects that aid in navigation via roads and air, building web-based platforms for connecting business and reducing travel time, engaging with media services to broadcast programmes that help in connecting people through sustainable digital solutions. Affordable And Clean Energy At Tata Communications, our focus is to accelerate the transition to an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system by investing in renewable energy resources, prioritising energy efficient practices, and adopting clean energy technologies and infrastructure. Read more at page 39-41 Throughout the year, we continuously monitor and track our energy consumption and energy mix. We aim to adopt energy efficient practices across our operations to minimise our carbon footprint. Climate Action We contribute to this SDG by decarbonising our operations and supply chains through continuously improving energy efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint of our offerings, services and processes, and setting ambitious emission reduction targets in line with climate science, as well as scaling up investment in the development of innovative low-carbon products and services. Read more at page 36-42 We have established targets to reduce water consumption, and banned single-use plastic in our facilities, implemented technology-driven interventions to reduce water and energy consumption. Through our CSR activities, we have been integrating action on climate change, biodiversity, water, and energy into community initiatives and creating partnerships to promote environment restoration and regeneration. Responsible Consumption And Production We strive to find innovative solutions that enable sustainable consumption. We continue to enhance our understanding of environmental and social impacts of products and services and use innovations to design appropriate solutions that to lead more sustainable lifestyles, reducing environmental impacts and improving well-being. Read more at page 36-39 Internally, we have aligned with this SDG intricately and have a robust procedure in place to track, monitor and reduce our consumption and emissions. We conduct a detailed accounting of our GHG emissions at the customer end to understand our emission portfolio and implement best practices that leads to reduction in emissions. Gender Equality At Tata Communications, we strongly believe in gender equality and building a community where people are not differentiated on the basis of gender. Our CSR activities emphasise on training young girls and women to build a more inclusive society. Read more at page 67-68 We launched several initiatives are directed towards eliminating differentiation based on gender. We focus on gender equality through engagement activities that empower youth through vocational trainings, life skills training, access to new technology, financial services etc. Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure Our primary operation is to enhance connectivity, and therefore, help to promote innovation across operations. We contribute in development efforts in regions in which we operate through investments in communications technologies, through proactive collaborations with internal and external stakeholders and building innovative and sustainable solutions with scalable impact. Read more at page 33-34 We have launched various technologies and solutions to help our customers optimise energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint. To develop these solutions, we collaborate with external partners, research institutions and universities. Focus Areas Actions Apart from having an ergonomically designed workspace, we have deployed IT based solutions to monitor safety conditions of our employees. For communities, we have organised awareness camps and workshops to provide healthcare facilities and knowledge about the importance of health and well-being.