Delivering Unique Experiences to Customers

At Tata Communications, enhancing customer success is at the core of all our operations. It is critical to ensure that the customer receives the necessary business outcomes from our solutions. This is accomplished by offering top-tier products and solutions, while utilising cutting-edge technology.

Our Customer-Centric Approach

We have built strong relationships with our customers through our customer success teams, which are designed to cater to changing customer needs across different moments of truth, right from ordering to billing. To be at the forefront, we are constantly reinventing ourselves with a steadfast focus on customer success to achieve greater loyalty and remain competitive. The core of our mission statement is to enable our customers to succeed in the new world of digital (technologies and business models) by being borderless and always available (to our customers and partners). The customer success team keeps this customer context alive throughout the customer journey and ensures that internal stakeholders are aware of the customer success metrics while working towards achieving it.

Our Customer Experience

Our customer-centric approach has enabled us to capture customer feedback and understand their needs through which we are able to improve our processes and systems. This entails new product launches to better serve their requirements.

Our Award-Winning Customer Experience Framework

Enhancing Customer Engagement


Through various touchpoints and a customer hierarchy, our ‘deeper with fewer’ strategy enhances our relationship with our top 1,000 customers.


With the aid of a designated customer success team (CST), our engagement methodology for large enterprise customers focuses on both customer experience and business outcomes.


Our Off-Shore Customer Success Management model in Pune uses the follow-the-sun methodology and is geared towards top enterprise customers.


Our dedicated sales team works for the core segment accounts, which are above the top 1,000 accounts. For these accounts, we use the FIGITAL (Field + Digital) paradigm, with distinct responsibilities for account farming and account hunting.


Our CRM desk maintains the virtual customer interactions and takes into account customer life cycle management for the sector of digital customers.

Our Awardwinning Customer Experience Framework

Customer Success Team (CST)

An integrated team committed to helping customers meet their objectives

Account Manager

Understands customer business needs and anchors the overall relationship

Program Manager

Understands the delivery needs and is accountable for the end-to-end delivery of customer services with the support of the Technical Program Manager

Solution Architect

Owns the customer solution lifecycle, understands their technical architecture and roadmap to suggest fit for purpose solutions

Customer Success Manager

Proactively enables customers to harness the full potential of our products and services and ensures service quality with regular time, value, and event-based engagements

Going beyond Customer Experience

Measuring our Performance

We have several platforms through which we engage with our customers to understand their expectations and requirements. These platforms are designed to provide with solicit feedback that can be implemented. A few such platforms that we use are:


NPS survey – It is based on research from a third party that provides a net score on how likely consumers are to refer our services to others.


Near real-time feedback - Through the measurement of customer effort scores right after a transaction, we have established a process to obtain near real-time feedback.


Win/Loss Analysis - The results of the win/loss analysis are used to inspire the required adjustments and enhancements that will result in improved victory rates.


RFPs and early customer engagement - The sales, solutions, product and service wrap teams examine complex RFPs to develop and build new platform features and solutions that meet the requirements of customers and the overall market demand.


Engagement with industry analysts and partners - Leading industry analysts are frequently engaged by the product, corporate strategy and marketing teams to learn more about our product strategies and roadmaps and to get their opinions on market trends.


Forums and events - Data and communications events and forums related to technology, media, and entertainment offer both official and informal opportunities to comprehend current and emerging technological developments.

IoT-driven Smart-Light Solution

At Tata Communications, we have developed an innovative Internet of Things (IoT) smart lighting system. The solution uses IoT technology to its maximum potential for intelligent lighting networks that can adjust to changing environmental conditions and provide real-time data insights to aid cities and companies in increasing energy efficiency, lowering costs and enhancing safety and security.


Revitalising Workplace Safety

Tata Communications’ IoT smart light solution is an end to-end management platform for citywide streetlight management and it is a perfect fit to address our customers’ needs.

A smart light controller allows for remote switching (on/ off) of lights with a dimming feature to optimise energy consumption.

An application captures the metering of each individual streetlight and monitors light health, providing fault alerts for immediate resolution in case of issues. In addition, the solution includes features such as dead lamp notification, keeping track of lamp burn hours, auto-scheduling and electricity theft.

We provided gateways and a network platform to enable the setup of LoRaWAN®.

We are able to quickly integrate with the partner ecosystem to deliver the solution.